Saturday, June 26, 2021



A miracle is something not explicable by natural or scientific laws. But then, how do you explain it? How does it happen? Who or what is behind it?

The feel good movie I have just watched, MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN based on true events and written by Christy Beam made me conclude that everything is a miracle, letting us know that God is here, with us, always.

Anabel Bean, a ten year old Texan girl has been sick, been brought to Boston Children's Hospital for treatment but failed, and sent back home. While at home playing with her siblings, she fall at the hole of the 30 feet tree, and survived. After the fall, both her stomach and intestines were functioning normally as if her central nervous system has been regenerated or reset.

The doctor called it SPONTANEOUS REMISSION just to explain what medical science can't be explained.

On a conversation with her parents, Anabel said she sort of talking to God on that fall experience, but it was different. They are talking to each other without saying any words. And that God told her, she would be healed. Isn't it a miracle?

Sometimes when bad things happen, we tend to lose faith, got angry because of unanswered prayers. We question God why is it happening to us and ultimately doubt His existence. Everyday we should and must have a leap of faith that everything will all come to pass and God is with us, always because nothing is impossible for those who believe...

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