Monday, June 7, 2021


Seeing smiles from these indigenous Agtas inspire me to work even further and continue on living despite hardships in life. These children never complain though they lack basic necessities, yet they are so cheerful and that reminds me that God loves the little children.

Photo was taken during the launching of the Alternative Learning System (ALS), thru Basic Literacy Program (BLP), a DepEd special program that will teach the indigenous people’s how to read, write and do some numeracy in a far-flung barangay of Lupige, in the city of Ilagan. Agta parents will also be taught alternative livelihood project like basket making out of cogon grass.

I realize, it is easier to help people who help themselves.

Agta children – one of the remaining indigenous people’s tribe in Isabela. Only at Brgy. Lupige, Ilagan City, Isabela finding their tribe a “home” along Abuan river bank. Taken yesterday, November 23, 2011 during our visit in the area.

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