Monday, June 7, 2021

Harry Potter, the Moral Fiber and the Medical Frontliners

Last night, in keeping up to be always a true blooded Potterhead and to personally commemorate the 22nd Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, I watched (alone) for the nth time HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE.

Towards the middle of the movie, on that part of the Twi-Wizard Tournament at the Black Lake on which Harry had a hard time saving two souls, but triumphantly did it at the end without a moment’s hesitation saving both, then Dumbledore awarded him second place (though he finished the task second to the last) because of Harry’s “MORAL FIBER”.

I paused the remote and reflect. Just what is moral fiber Dumbledore is talking about? Then I realized it is the strength and ability to choose and act what you think is right in a difficult situation.

Further reflection brought my senses to the recent events in our bid to fight the pandemic COVID-19, where our medical frontliners choose to save other people’s lives while endangering their own. This is the moral fiber in action, a selfless act of love. Sa ating mga frontliners, maraming salamat sa inyong lahat!


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