Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Blue Damsel in the foothills of Sierra Madre

Just when I thought I captured a dragonfly in its digital format on September 10, 2010, it takes me 8 years to discover it wasn’t a dragonfly at all.

It wasn’t a dragon, but a damsel.

The Dragonfly Woman told me today that I captured a very beautiful damselfly. And she thinks my damselfly is Rhinocypha humeralis which is abundant in our area.

The blue marking on the side of the abdomen of Rhinocypha humeralis is just beautiful. It seems they were waiting for me in their aquatic habitat near the rivers at the foothills of the Northern Sierra Madre Mountain range in the province of Isabela. Their metallic wing tints which are longer than their bodies have a strong strobing effect and appear to disappear as I change camera angles.


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta Insects

Order: Odonata

Family: Chlorocyphidae (Damselflies)

Genus: Rhinocypha

Species: humeralis

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