Sunday, June 6, 2021


May 1, 2018 BC (Before Covid) – A quick round trip boat ride to “Vakawan”, an underrated mangrove forest in coastal San Fabian, Pangasinan.

Notice the clear waters and fish pens around the area. We were just afraid that a crocodile would just hop-in and bit our hands in the boat, so we were very careful.

If you happen to be south of Ilocos region, drop by at San Fabian, Pangasinan – indulge the beaches and don’t forget to catch a boat ride to Vakawan.

Mangroves protect the ecosystem, promotes tourism, a source of livelihood of fisherfolks and most of all, it guards coastal area against disasters and calamities.

Update: An article I read early this year 2021, said that even UP biologists advised the government to use mangroves instead of covering Manila Bay’s shoreline with crushed dolomite as the former is cheaper and cost-effective form of rehabilitation.


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