Monday, June 7, 2021

In the box

 Typhoon months again. Routinary check to my important documents to assure they will stay safe and dry in a secure plastic box storage. I already learned my lesson when I lost my original Transcipt of Records as typhoon Harurot struck Isabela years back.

Tonight as I busied myself to all these home safekeeping measures, I spotted a box within the box. An old shoe box keeping my mementos purposely for me to peep through them every now and then. Copies of college paper, postcards, christmas cards, birthday cards, as well as snail mail letters, old badges, stickers, pins, etc that I have collected through the years as a reference or maybe to remind me who I was and where I came from.

Now, these “paperless society” and “travel light” concepts tricked me again to throw away things considered as extra baggages. My left brain even dictated me to decide now – to keep it or throw it and lost it forever.

What do we really yet to keep in this world? Well, nothing really. Nothing is assured. Not even our memories.

So I got one more look to a letter dated November 22, 1992 from a college professor whom I worked with in our college paper. An excerpt reads, “Maybe there could be a time someday that we can work together. There is always a time to have a break in our life, a time to wake up from a dream.”

In the end, I keep the letter and the whole shoe box, valuing them for a little bit more time. Maybe someday, my family will find it after I’m gone and they will make up stories why I’ve kept them.

Alvin Encarguez Lauran
September 10, 2018
9:45 p.m.
City of Ilagan, Isabela

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