Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Snippets of Magat Dam

October 1, 2011 BC (Before COVID-19)  – Life is not meant to be at a serious level all the time.

Heavenly Father put us here on earth so we must learn our way back to Him and most of all, to have joy. And to have joy is to enjoy life. Disasters, calamities and health crisis cause harm, but somehow in a way, we can still learn lessons from them, and that there are #beautifuldisasters if we only learn to appreciate – the bayanihan spirit, resiliency and the bond it brings to families, friends and communities in order to bounce back and start life anew.

Sharing here some never before seen  #kabaliwan #crazines#madness , wild and free, raw and unedited video snippet – while we were still on the same boarding house in the City of Cauayan some ten years back.  Memories that will forever be cherished while we are still in sojourn in this beautiful life. Life is short and nobody knows what will happen next. People sometimes lie – the truth he is speaking today may be denied and twisted tomorrow. We find it hard to trust some people anymore because of their inconsistencies, lies and betrayal. But with real friends, you are sure that you are in good company.

At the height of Tropical Storm Quiel on 2011, the three of us from the City of Cauayan (Kurt, Muy and I) headed to the Magat High Rise Dam in Ramon, Isabela via Kurt’s motorbike to feed our curiosity how it was like to be up close and personal, viewing 7-gates of Magat Dam being opened. Magat Dam’s critical level is up to 193 meters, and due to heavy rains still pouring along Magat Dam watershed areas that time, the floodwaters were still coming in, thus the dam couldn’t contain the volume. The water inflow must be released, and that several gates of the dam must be opened. And to satisfy our curiosity how water outflows from Magat Dam being released, here we went to the area. We stopped imagining as we saw those waters rose several meters high like the crossing of the Red Sea by Moses with the Israelites, leaving behind Egyptian armies on chariots chasing the chosen race.

So that’s it! That’s how crazy we might become as we enjoy and live up to the moment, because as we all knew it, life is short. I-enjoy lang ang buhay.

DISCLAIMER: The pathway leading to the dam was closed and its main gate was in chains and tightly secured. We didn’t break any rules and protocols. We were actually very far from the dam itself. We immediately left the place after the sight-seeing and few shoots. 

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