Tuesday, June 8, 2021

“Potterhead” according to the urban dictionary

POTTERHEAD  from Urban Dictionary

1. Potterhead – amazingly cool people who are obsessed with Harry Potter.

Person 1: Have you got Deathly Hallows yet?

Person 2: Hell, yeah! I was at my local book shop from 7pm until Midnight on 20th July 2007 to buy it!

Person 1: ‘Course, you’re such a Potterhead gazes adoringly

  1. Potterhead – An extreme version of a fan of the Harry Potter books.

The extremity of a particular Potterhead’s behavior can range from merely obsessing about the books by reading them more than 5 times each, and the movies by watching them more than 5 times each, to a fangirl or boy who stalks the celebrities, own a live journal to write fan fiction, draw fan art, post self-made YouTube fanvideos, pray to shrines accordingly to their section of the fandom (eg. The Good Ship, slash, Manippers…etc), listen to Wizard rock (Wrock) and/or spend hours on a discussion forum debating on theories and opinions.

The ages of Potterheads can range from 13-80, depending on the maturity of the person. Extremists are generally older, as the Harry Potter fandom revolves largely around sex between characters, money needed to BUY Harry Potter items (that parents are unlikely to comply with), and a good sense of humor and wit to protect, again, the Potterhead’s section of the fandom, as sections tend to clash (eg. Shipping Wars).

A Potterhead, however, is not a 10 year old who wears Harry Potter gear, dresses up with glasses, a cape, and a drawn on scar.

  1. Potterhead – Generally someone who loves Harry Potter (like me) mostly amazing people that have not much to do in their lives…will know every single fact to harry potter!
    Potterhead: Did you know that Emma Watson is related to an accused witch (true fact..told you I am a Potterhead)
    Dude: Seriously…you are such a POTTERHEAD
  2. Potterhead – Ugh Muggles. Unbothered by these basic muggles who are clearly not Potterheads
  3. Potterhead – Somebody who knows everything about Harry Potter, obsesses over it and in general stays up until 5am reading a HP book with a torch, or looking up Harry Potter Forums on Google.

A Potterhead is NOT the following:
Someone who pronounces the spells incorrectly. (e.g; instead of ”Avada Kedavra,” they would pronounce it as ”Abracadabra!”)
Someone who calls Severus, as in Severus Snape, Snape. Just Snape.

A person who ”fangirls/boys” about them online, but typing like this: ”OMG I LUV HP SOOOO MUCH LIKE OMG TOTES I LUV EM ALL.”
Someone who has only ever watched the films, and hasn’t read the books.

Fake Potterhead: I LUV HP!

Potterhead: Oh yes, of course you do. What’s Ron’s middle name?

Fake Potterhead: Weasley!!!1
Potterhead: No! It’s Ronald Billius Weasley, therefore the middle name is BILLIUS.

Friend: Hey, dude, do you wanna come and check out my new house?
Potterhead: No, no… too busy watching HP7 Part 2.

  1. Potterhead – Someone who is way too wrapped up in those Harry Potter books, movies, and games.

Your friend might be a potterhead for any of the following reasons…

  1. They wait in line 5 days before the new movie comes out.
  2. They wait even moreso in line to get the book.
  3. They OWN everybook…
  4. They went to the theatre more than twice to see it.
  5. They bought and watched it more than twice in the same day…
  6. They can define or identify any of the following.
    a. Quidditch
    b. A Snitch
    c. They know the name of He-Who-Shall-not be named.
    d. Allohamora
    e. Wingardium leviosa
    f. Snape…

Other symptoms might include: dizziness, vomiting, red eyes, dresses like a dork, says anyone with long hair and glasses looks like Harry Potter… That kid is such a bliff’n Potterhead

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