Tuesday, June 8, 2021

We Plant as One

This morning, together with hundreds of Isabelenos, I was privileged to be part of the Plant One Million Trees in One Day” of the province of Isabela

Notwithstanding the drizzles while taking our muddy feet to Km 21, Sitio Lagis, Brgy Sindon Bayabo, City of Ilagan, We Plant as One!

On a very personal note, I named the seedlings I planted, “The 7 Ardientes x 3” , in remembrance of You Know Who.

Immersed to the culture of preparedness, I then pray for
a seed… a tiny seed
will it fall by the wayside and will be thrown before it’s time,
will it fall in stony places — I don’t know;
Heavenly Father, I pray that in some spot of earth it will take root and find new birth and nourished there, and begin to grow and glow.
please let it grow . . .

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