Monday, June 7, 2021

Perennial Succulents

 Cactus is one of my favorite types of plants to grow all year round. Noted for its sharp spines and ability to thrive in hot dry places, cactus is one of the easiest plants to grow in containers. They need little maintenance and make colorful houseplants.

Cactus plants come in a number of varieties and shapes. Some have striking blooms. All cactus are succulent (meaning they can store water) and all are perennial (meaning they last for many years).

Homemade cactus growing mix can be tailor made for any type of cactus. Just like our personal tastes, one mix is not always right for every variety of cactus. Cactus container garden is cheaper when you make your own mixture. They are easy to grow and need little care. Cacti and other succulents can be kept in a dish garden when small. The clay trays often used for bonsai are very good for a start.

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