Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Invisible Darkness

Tonight’s #MMKMyBattle episode, the story of Ms. Charo Abraham and portrayed by Bela Padilla is another real life battle won on the invisible war against schizophrenia. Bella’s acting tonight is a theatrical break-a-leg stuff, shining even brighter atop dark cinematic effects, and with that she deserved my rare elliptical clap, clap, clap… She really nailed it! Gusto ko na siya… I wish to see more of her in upcoming primetime teleserye.

I’m glad that with today’s massive explosion of information and fake news, this once obscure case of schizophrenia is now openly revealed and discussed in public and more people are now aware that it can be treated rather than prejudging that the patient is demon-possessed. Relative to this, my first encounter with this psychological condition of schizophrenia made me curious. It came when I was privileged, along with others from Isabela to watch a live performance of the play, Saan Ba Tayo Ihahatid ng Disyembre at the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) Center sometime on March 2009. As an audience, the play had a cruel effect on me because of its dense play set images, negative, self-destructive suicidal theme. Those voices in the head and even eerie ghost visuals were surreal as portrayed in the play. But thanks, this drama of the self can be won with how we respond to it, through that important gift called CHOICE. At the end of the play, the actors and directors were called on stage for an open forum, so the audience could ask questions surrounding this complex mental disorder of schizophrenia.

Meanwhile, it is reassuring to note that Republic Act 11036 or the Philippine Mental Health Law now paves the way in integrating mental health care in our general health care system – a big lift of HELP for our fellow Filipinos, particularly those who struggled silently in the dark with their invisible sickness.

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