Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Is it okay not to panic in pandemic?

It is not ok to not join the panic during the pandemic especially when you are panicking the necessity – the 70% isoprophyl/ethyl alcohol.

Aside from frequent hand washing, the famous alcohol becomes an instant poster infographics of the WHO and DOH in their bid to combat this crown “veerus”.

My first two stops at Mercury Drug and Savemore were in vain. I inquired at Watson and received a negative nod. I searched the shelves of 7-Eleven and overheard two teenagers talking that they too had been looking for alcohol in all commercial places in the city of Ilagan since the other day, and found none. They even cursed the selfish hoarders of this prime commodity at present.

My invisible wings bent low, and decided to go home because of a failed mission. My feet betrayed me as if it had its own mind and with hurried paces brought me to Pandayan Bookshop. I suddenly remembered that Pandayan had a display of a grooming kit, and presto, I spotted the items and grabbed one before anyone else could run through it and stole it from me in a panic mode.

At the counter, I heard a millennial two steps behind me sarcastically rapping to the tune of “napra-praning, napra-praning ningning”… “Ako ba pinaringgan nito?”, my left brain lamented. “Hindi, bakit praning ka ba? “, right brain countered.

This is just a 60ml, 70% isopropyl alcohol in a pack of a grooming kit. At least, my panic impulse had been satiated. It somehow calmed my nerves and soothed my spirit, which I don’t know for how long.

But on top of all these, none is more encouraging than the assurance of President Russel M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in his message of hope to the members of the church through social media channels, “These unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future. I know the great and marvelous blessings that God has in store for those who love Him and serve Him”, and may I add, obey the commandments of Heavenly Father and endure to the end.

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