Wednesday, June 9, 2021

HP fandom extreme

Celebrating the International Harry Potter Day, 
23 years of The Battle of Hogwarts 

Grabe, agaw-buhay sa haba ng pila, just to get a ticket for the first day of screening of Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part 2 in 3D at SM North Edsa, July 16, 2011, Saturday. 

Wala pa kasing SM Cinema dito sa Isabela noong 2011.That was the longest 2 days of my life – exhausting too much energy in rushed activities. From work at 5pm Friday in Isabela, we grabbed a bus going to Manila, we reached bus station in Manila 6am Saturday, then attended an early morning mass at UST, then MRT ride from Manila to SM North Edsa and took a nap there while waiting for the mall to open at 10am, when the mall opened we joined the queue to get a ticket, then took a quick brunch at the food court, 1:20pm HP screening until 4:00pm. Highlight of the movie: The Battle of Hogwarts. 

After which, window shopping. Then contemplating where to go next. Decided to go to Star City. It was a very long, long, long travel from North Edsa QC to Pasay on a Saturday night. Purchased all -ride tickets at Star City hanggang sa nahihilo na sa mga rides. Our first extreme ride for the roller coaster, at hindi na yun mauulit kasi bumaligtad ang bituka ko. Back to Isabela Sunday…. Pagod, but fulfilled with the Harry Potter ultimate finale. Ganun siguro talaga when a person is obsessed to a fandom.

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