Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Keeping a COVID-19 Journal

 What’s up “quaranteens?” Been uploading lots of video clips to Tiktok lately?

We are in Day 4 of “lockdown”, though authorities forbid the use of the term. So we are in Day 4 of enhanced community quarantine, or whatever you may call it.

We are in a world crisis which they call global pandemic because of the plague which we all know as COVID-19. Terrible times, indeed. We are advised to stay at home. So what have you done?

In a similar bad time like this in between 1942 to 1944, a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank recorded all her thoughts in a diary she kept hidden. She was not afraid of telling the truth and narrated while hiding out from Nazis for two years during the occupation of Holland – her fear and isolation of the terrible circumstances of war, her relationship with her parents, her developing self-awareness and the problems of growing up. At the end of the second world war, her diary was found.

Our recorded thoughts and events are important. Our genealogical records are vital because they form part of our family history.

Spend your time wisely. Make use of your day to day life while in home quarantine. Start writing your thoughts about the COVID-19 and its impact to your life. Don’t forget also to summarize the daily events and your lessons learned towards the end of the day.

… And when all these things are over, and we survived, you will leaf through the pages of your journal with a smile, and may say, that you are greater than the virus, and that your obedience to authorities to stay home, coupled with your daily prayers and faith to Heavenly Father paid off, and spared you from the plague.

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