Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Bamboo Bank

BAMBOO BANKS: Prepare your full time missionary service today

May 16, 2021 – The Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Philippines conducted a very special Missionary Fireside earlier this evening, highlighting the launch of the “I WILL GO I WILL SERVE” campaign with the goal of achieving 4,600 Filipino full-time missionaries by December 2022.

Brother Romulo and Sister Kareen Natural of Santiago Philippines North Stake asked the question on how in this perilous times, the parents can best protect and prepare their children for the future.

Elder Steven R. Bangerter, First Counselor of the Philippines Area Presidency said that throughout ages and time, parents have felt concern for the well-being of their children. He said that even now, as we continue to find ourselves in the midst of the worldwide pandemic, this concerns are felt even more – where do parents look to model best example so that children can be prepared and protected for the years ahead.

He said that Church leaders counsel the parents in our days that children and youth should prepare financially while in their childhood and their youth to serve their mission. “We should prepare while young to prepare a meaningful sacrifice. We have been taught to help our children to save their pesos, that is – a portion of money they receive over a course of their childhood and in their youth in preparation for their missionary service,” Elder Bangerter said.

He introduced the Bamboo Bank with the stated goal declared on the side, “I WILL GO, I WILL SERVE” and on the reverse side of the bamboo bank, “as I do and serve, I am one of the 4,600 Missionaries” in the mighty battalion of the world.

Elder Bangerter encouraged parents with their children to gather their pesos, place them in the bank and begin their preparations for full time missionary service today. He said that these bamboo banks will be made available for the Church’s youth throughout the Philippines as they turn 8 years of age and baptized.

He further encouraged parents to emulate the Savior’s pattern when He taught using a few loaves of bread and fish, to help their children experience the blessings of the Lord that would grow within them as they sacrifice to serve with their mission.

Missions are expensive and they may not be able to save the full amount necessary to pay for their mission, but that is not the point. Neither that’s not the point that five loaves and two fish could not feed 5,000 people. Then, what is the point? Well, when we do our part to strive for righteousness by following the counsel of the living prophets, God magnify our actions and multiplies the results. God, by His infinite love and mercy makes up the difference. So with the help of the Lord, just as a few loaves and fish feed 5,000 God will help and enable pesos faithfully save to be supplemented by His blessings to pay for a full time mission,” Elder Bangerter said.

To the question on how in this perilous times, the parents can best protect and prepare their children for the future. The answer is, Elder Bangerter said, “For parents to follow the Savior’s pattern – to gather your children around you as you teach them the gospel and pray for them by name, just as Jesus did in the temple or on the side of the hill.”

“As this Christ’s patterns are followed, your children will grow up with roots established on a strong foundation in the midst of the Lord’s covenant path. The Lord’s desire for them to serve full time missions will become their fervent and unwavering desire,” he concluded.


TOPIC: Area Presidency counsel parents and future missionaries in the Philippines to prepare and invest in their mission

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