Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Greatest Delete

We are now living in the information age. People tend to think in terms of email, google, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The message of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection has become a strange abstract for some minds. Perhaps a little story could help.

Archangel Alvin nervously ran to God’s throne to give his report. “O, God, the unexpected has happened! Everything is gone.”

He took a deep breath to calm himself.

Archangel Alvin was heaven’s computer programmer. A wizard of the trade, he was chief of staff of angels who monitored what was happening in the entire universe. Most importantly, he was tasked to update the records of all the faults committed by men since the beginning.

“Power hits us under our very wings. All the computers have conked out. And all the files have been deleted – all, including the billion gigabytes  that stored mankind’s sins. Our system wasn’t programmed to react to brownouts. We’ve never had one actually.”

Archangel Alvin finished off his report with a hundred and one details that summarized the loss of eons of hard work. He stood ashamed, head and wings bent. But in a quick glance, he caught God’s sad eyes.

Then in what seemed like a tired voice, God spoke – so softly it might have been simply a thought.

“I knew it was coming. In fact, I caused it. It’s all part of the plan. It was I who pulled the plug, but just for a while – for that one moment…just when my Son breathed his last on the cross and commended His spirit.”

So saying, time paused. Everyone fell silent.

Archangel Alvin felt in his heart that in the cover of heaven’s brief darkness, God has needed to cry.

And Jesus’ death had deleted mankind’s sins.

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