Monday, May 1, 2023

Don't waste water

We all need to think about the impacts that our actions have on the world around us. Yes, it is extremely difficult (if possible at all) to be 100% ethical for 100% of the time. BUT, there are many things that we CAN do to help to protect and preserve the environment, society and the economy.

Ethical tourism is a form of responsible tourism. An ethical tourist considers the impact of their actions. The problem is however, that many people do not know how to be an ethical tourist!  If you want to be an ethical tourist, you must demonstrate a commitment to reducing any negative impacts on the environment

Don’t drop litter - Dropping litter is terrible for the environment. It can be dangerous to animals, it looks ugly and it is generally an environmental pollutant. Keep it in your bag or pocket if there is no bin nearby!

Turn off the lights - Just as you would at home, turn off the lights in your accommodation when you don’t need them on. This is a simple way to ensure that you are being as much of an ethical tourist as possible!

Don’t waste water - Turn the tap off while you’re doing your teeth, take shorter showers and so on.

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